The Humble Mechanic

Dec 7, 2023

The Humble Mechanic is a quirky blog by a likeable character, who says he started the site to connect with his customers on a level that you just can’t do in the shop. Although a Volkswagen mechanic, Humble Mechanic is happy to talk and give advice on any type of vehicle.

Regular videos posted include ‘Shop Shots’, auto-related pics he has taken over the years, ‘Luv A Dub’, which follows the progress of his restoration work on a 1988 Volkswagen Cabriolet, and ‘Behind The Wrench’, a video interview series with various people from the auto industry.

Popular Mechanics

nov 5, 2023

Popular Mechanics is a comprehensive site with hundreds of great auto-related articles, blogs, and videos. It covers street cars, muscle cars, electric cars, flying cars, motorbikes – you name it, they’ve got it.

Recent topics include ‘Why Driverless Cars Can’t Handle Humans Yet’, ‘Why the 2015 Mustang Is the Best Ever’, ‘The (Promising) Future for Flying Cars’, and ‘I Was a Human Crash-Test Dummy’.

Note: To read the blog, click on the image.

Here are some relevant blogs:

Car Talk

Auto Blog

My Auto Repair Advice

Note: To read the blog, click on the image.